the Life of Zim

5th January
written by dzimney

An article was recently published in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press by Joe Soucheray entitled Not cold nor sludge can stop the morons. In this article Soucheray quotes a colleague of his, Patrick Reusse, to say,

Well, if they [bicyclists] fall down in front of me, I will run over them in their snowmobile suits and squash them like a bug… Oh, I’ll call 911 and tell them where the body is, but I ain’t stoppin’.

After reading a bit of his article, it quickly became apparent how deranged and/or stupid Joe Soucheray really is. One of the first paragraphs on his article starts with,

GET OFF THE STREETS, YOU MORONS! OK, that might be a bit harsh, especially coming from me, as I have made my peace with the two-wheelers.

You see, he’s made his peace, but has now decided to write an article in which he calls bicyclists morons and suggests squashing them like a bug as a reasonable way to vent frustration.

Bikes have a right to the road. They have a right to the road in the winter, and a right to the road in the summer. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like. Motorists must observe the rights of those around them. Motorists do not have the right to “squash them like a bug…” and “…call 911 and tell them where the body is.” Now Joe and the Pioneer Press have the right to express any opinions they may have, but I think it shows a great deal of irresponsibility to endorse a hit and run.

The problem here is not that Joe Soucheray doesn’t like to share the road with bikers. I could care less what Joe likes. The REAL problem here is that there is an existing intolerance shown towards bicyclists by motorists. This intolerance creates a more dangerous environment for cyclists, and Joe Soucheray’s article, irresponsibly published by the Pioneer Press, creates an acceptance of this intolerance. People die every year from being hit by a motorist on their bike. It doesn’t matter if it’s winter or summer. Motorists bully everyone around them, and people get injured and die from it. Soucheray’s arrogance and intolerance of bikers along with the Pioneer Press’ acceptance and publication of this opinion incites hatred and intolerance. Shame on them all.

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