Well yesterday I finally got out to the Theodore Wirth trails with Shawn. We’ve tried to get out there a couple of times, but it just hadn’t worked out yet. And since it was so amazing out yesterday (bright and sunny and in the 70s) we decided to play hooky go for a ride. I’ve gotta say, it was far more exhausting than I was expecting. I biked to Shawn’s out near Lake Harriet, then the two of us rode down to Theodore Wirth park, road the trails for 45 minutes to an hour or so, and on the ride home all I wanted to do was lay in the grass and wait for someone to come pick me up. It was totally worth it though. The trails were awesome. Definitely some challenging parts, but also some nice milder parts where I was able to really get some good speed. It’s pretty fun zipping around in there. I for sure what to do it again, but I don’t really have a bike for it. I was riding Karen (Shawn’s girlfriends bike), which was fine. She’s a pretty tall woman and the bike was a little small, but I felt pretty comfortable on it. It was pretty hard on my back and shoulders, but I think that’s more due to the fact that I’m not used to that style of riding rather than the bike. There’s a ton of really getting you’re center of gravity positioned correctly and what not where you’re really using your upper body strength as much as lower. Today, I’m feeling a bit sore, but definitely more in my shoulders than legs.
All in all it was an awesome ride. I took a couple of spills from going to fast. First one I almost hit a tree, but luckily bailed into the brush before and then other I definitely hit a rock and just got knocked off the bike and on to the ground. I’ve got a bit of a scrap on my right elbow and a little nick on my shine (from hitting the pedal). Still feeling tired from the experience, but really can’t wait to get back out there and do it again.
Just saw this on another blog (I Bike MPLS) and I just could help but to post it aswell. Amazing.
So I finally got around to taking some pictures of Laura’s bike to post. I actually took the pictures to post them up on the Bike Porn forum of Minneapolis Bike Love. Love that site, by the way. Here are a few of the pictures that I took though.
The bike is a Bianchi Sport SS. I’m estimating it’s from around 1984. Nancy (Laura’s Mom) got it new and she thinks it was probably around that time. I haven’t been able to find much on it online, but that’s the best guess.
Well, I’m one step closer to getting this bike built. I finally had everything I needed to get the fork put on the frame yesterday (frame, fork, headset, and stem). Had the guys at One-on-One press the headset for me. Hopefully that will be the only part of the build that I won’t be doing myself (except the wheel building – Universal Cycles is doing that). Personally, I find it far more satisfying to be able to do at least the majority of the bike building myself. I think it’s because it helps make the bike feel more like it’s really mine. My creation, my sweat, all that good stuff. Anyway…
So I’ve got the frame, fork, headset and stem put together. Already have the seatpost and chainring. I think I’m just going to use the cranks off my bauer (Sugino BTs). Should be getting my disc brakes, cog and bottom bracket today. Won’t be do anything until after the weekend though. Laura and I are heading down to KS for Shad and Lauren’s wedding party. Should be seeing some posts on that soon.
Finally starting to look like a bike.
She’s here! My IRO Mark V Pro frame arrived today. Whoo-hoo! I’m pumped. Thing is exactly what I was hoping for. Solid frame, super simple (doesn’t even have waterbottle mounts), and light as shit! Weighed it and the frames is under 2000g (maybe not light as shit, but light as shit compared to my bauer). Fork is around 700g. Sweetness. Unfortunately I won’t be using the fork though. Need the disc brake mounts, which it doesn’t have. Went down to the local cycle shop One-on-One and ordered a Civia fork today (should arrive Monday). Not as light as the IRO fork at around 990g(?), but good none the less. Funny though. I was thinking that I’d probably be getting a nicer fork that the IRO came with (assuming the IRO wasn’t very good), but from what I can tell I’m feeling a little disappointed that I won’t be using the fork. Of course the majority of m oppion is based on weight. The IRO fork feels good and solid though (it’s a steel fork by the way, as is the Civia). Can’t wait to start building this damn thing though. Apparently my wheels will be getting shipped next Monday. And I’m expecting the bottom bracket, headset, and all that good stuff sometime next week (could come this weekend, but I doubt it). Either way, I’m sitting here staring at this beautiful frame but can’t do a damn thing with it until next week. For now all I can do is blog about it. ajjldsaljkfl;asdlkjdsf SO PUMPED!!!
Lately I’ve been getting parts together for a new fixie. Bought an IRO Mark V Pro frame that should be arriving tomorrow! I’m super excited, but at the same time won’t be able to do anything with it until sometime next week. Should be pretty rad when it’s all said and done though.
I’ve also order some pretty pimp wheels from Universal Cycles in Portland. Orange Deep-V rims with Surly hubs. When it’s all put together with the black frame, I think it’ll look pretty cool.
The plan is set it up as a fixie and put a disc brake on the the front wheel (as an emergency brake). I keep going back and forth on whether to go brakeless or not, but as soon as I start thinking about I think about all the things that could go wrong where I’d wished that I’d had a brake. The chain could break, I could injure a leg, anything. Just seems like the only reason not to have one is for ego. Screw that. So anyway, I have ended up getting everything set for a front disc brake which I think it’s gonna be totally rad and unique for a fixed gear. Went with the Tektro Lyra, mostly dude to price and weight. Half the joy of riding fixed is being able to slim down the weight of the bike a ton, so I didn’t want to get anything ridiculous and since I’m only planning on using it as an emergency brake, I didn’t want to get anythign ridiculous. The Lyra seemd to be a good fit. All I need now is a fork with disc mounts. I’ve got my eye on a Winwood, but my funds faded pretty quick between the frame, wheels, and all the other little stuff in between.