the Life of Zim

28th June
written by dzimney

And so begins our journey to Kansas. Today marks day one for travel. This past weekend was filled with packing, loading, visiting with friends, cleaning, packing, goodbyes to friends, loading and some more cleaning. Follwed up with a six hour drive and we’ve made it to Onterior, OR. Staying at the Motel 6 with the two pups and cat… and we’re completely exhausted.

Leaving Portland today was hard… but not impossible. It’s a pretty bitter sweet experience leaving. Lots to miss, but so much to look forward to. Commencement. Here’s to the next chapter!

So. I’m attaching some photos for fun and stuff but getting delirious, so no more typy typie.





25th April
written by dzimney

This came out a few years back, but still gives me a chill.

9th February
written by dzimney

It’s official! We’re going to Sayulita in the beginning of May! Laura and I are brushing up on our Spanish and very excited to get some vacation that doesn’t involve… well, doing anything.

We leave April 30th and return May 7th. Anyone up for watching a pair of pouches for a week? Current plan is to board them. :(

27th January
written by dzimney

Well, it’s fairly official. We’re heading to Me-hee-co in late April slash early May for Laura’s (and Lauren’s) 30th birthday!! Lauren and Laura came up with the idea and Shad and I have been fully supportive like good husbands that have no issue with drinking on the beach do. Started out thinking we’d head to Hawaii, but after looking at costs, Mexico looks a lot better. Plan is to rent a house in Sayulita as per Isaac’s recommendation. Very exciting. This’ll be my first time south of the board. Can’t wait for a little R&R too. The basic plan, I believe, is to go to Sayulita, get a bunch of cheap beer and taquilla, find a lawn chair on the beach and not move for 5-7 days. Awesome. This’ll be the first real trip Laura and I have taken since 2008 when we went to Asia, so we’re totally pumped. And by “real trip” I mean a trip that doesn’t include going to Minneapolis and/or Lawrence. In other words, it’ll be our first real vacation in quite some time. We’re excited. Did I say that? I think I did.

17th January
written by dzimney

2nd December
written by dzimney

17th November
written by dzimney

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8th November
written by dzimney

6th October
written by dzimney

Sign the petition here.

26th September
written by dzimney

…check and direct and let’s begin.

So we’re coming back. Laura and I are making a trip(s) back to the midwest for the seixghth time this year? That’s somewhere between 6 and 8, I think. Laura’s actually making two trips because she has to be here in Portland during the week for work. So why are we coming back? Lana Davis (Scott to be) is getting married in good old Lawrence this weekend, and then Kate “the Zimminator” Zimney (Coleman to be) is getting hitched next weekend. So I’m doing a three way PDX-MCI-MSP-PDX trip while Laura’s just flying into Lawrence and Minneapolis each weekend.

Folks, I’ve gotta tell ya, I love coming home, but I’m tired. Seems like we haven’t had three weeks in the past six months where we haven’t either been heading out somewhere or have had people here visiting us. We love seeing people, but shit is exhausting! So, that said, I’m looking forward to weddings and seeing people and all that, but I’m already feeling homesick. PDX homesick. And I haven’t even left yet!

Okay, so there’s my announcement and rant, all in one. I’m guessing this is my most boring post to date.