Well yesterday I came to learn that I actually broke my thumb a week ago. The entire was fairly disappointing on multiple levels, but it’s good to finally know what’s wrong with my thumb (which is still sore and I guess will continue for 5-8 weeks).
So yesterday I finally have my visit with the orthopedist after evidently breaking one of my thumb bones over a week ago. Originally, I had gone to the ER the night of the incident (falling on my bike in the slippery snow). The doctor from the ER told me that I hadn’t broken my thumb (disappointing) and that I should call the orthopedist (specialist) to look at it more closely. He then told me that normally it can take a month or two to get in for an appointment but that if I tell them I was in the ER they should be able to get me in within a few days as they normally block off time for “ER victims”. So, the next day I give them a call and talk this lady who I think had dipped into the prescription drugs or something. I told he my situation and she said the earliest I could get in would be Feb 2nd. Well of course this doesn’t work as there is an immediate need to do something about my thumb, in addition to the fact that we’re moving at the end of the month and won’t even be in the state on Feb 2nd. So I politely say that I was in the ER and they told me the orthopedist usually block of some time for people from the ER. From here I think she asked me when I injured my thumb and when I went to the ER (both the previous night) about three times, as it can be very difficult to remember such a complicated date as “yesterday”. She also for some reason had to ask me my birthday about 4 different times. And in the end, when was the earliest I could get in? Oh, yeah. Feb 2nd. Annoyed I hung up and called back about 4 hours later hoping to get a more competent human being on the line. I did and was able to get an appointment for a week (rather than a month) later. My appointment wasn’t within 3 days as the ER doctor said, but good enough.
So then comes my appointment. Basically, I sat in the waiting room for about 45 minutes, followed by waiting in the patient room for about 30 minutes, and then in the very final moments before I was about to walk out the doctor finally came into the room (I had to leave by 1:10pm and the doctor came in at 1:08pm). The five minutes I spent with the doctor we very nice. But it would have been nice if i didn’t have to wait an hour and ten minutes for them to tell me I broke my thumb and to continue doing what I’ve been doing (keeping it in a brace, taking ibuprofen, etc.) Very annoying.
In the end it could have been worse, and it’s finally good to know what’s wrong with me. Still sucks that I’m missing a thumb for the next month or two, but at least it’s not gone forever.
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