the Life of Zim

23rd April
written by dzimney

Well I’ve been fighting this cold for a good week and a half now. I have no idea what this thing is, but it’s merciless. It started out as a sore throat. Then developed into this respiratory hacking, then a cough, and now I have no idea what it is. I’m coughing a third of the time, stuffed up a quarter of the time and exhausted half the time. It just doesn’t make any damn sense. It’s the most inconsistent cold I’ve ever had. And worst of all, Tony’s been sick with something similar for nearly 6 weeks now. So assuming I’ve got the same thing, it still might be a while until I’m over it. For the most part I’ve felt okay during the daytime, but nights and mornings I start coughing and I’ve been waking up with the worst sore throat ever. It’s like a nasal infection, but then goes away after I’ve been up for an hour. Just plain odd.

We’ll that’s about as exciting as my weeks gotten so far. Really just blogging about being sick because I haven’t got anything else. However, I did get N64 off ebay this week. I still haven’t gotten it yet, and I’m sure I’ll be writing more when I do. Pretty pumped for it. I’m not exactly sure if it’s more the nastalgia factor or the fact the N64 is one the greatest systems, but I’m really excited for Mario Kart, Zelda and Golden Eye plus a few other’s I’ve got coming in the mail.

Anyway, that’s about as exciting as my weeks gotten so far. Weather has cooled off since the weekend which is too bad, but hopefully it’ll be back soon. Although its a lot nicer sleeping in 60 degree weather compared to 80 degree weather.

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