the Life of Zim

24th September
written by dzimney

18th September
written by dzimney

The time has finally come. Tonight, Laura, Kate, Andy and I head up to Grand Marais, MN for a night of camping on the North Shore of Lake Superior and then we’re off to the Boundary Waters. I haven’t been up there in a few year (probably longer), and I’m super excited. It’s going to be Kate and Laura’s first time up there which will make the adventure even more exciting. Hopefully the weather stays nice up there. Here in Minneapolis it’s been warm and sunny all week, fantastic weather. But I think the forecast for Grand Marais is supposed to be a bit rainy. Either way it’ll be a good trip. It’ll either be beautiful and sunny, or rainy and challenging. As long as it’s not too much of a challenge I’m sure we’ll enjoy either.

Yesterday Laura and I heading out to Midwest Mountaineering for supplies (after two previous trips to REI – one with both of us and one solo trip by Laura). I’d never actually been in Midwest Mountaineering, but I’ve gotta say for all the sales they had going on, I was very impressed. I got a couple of Patagonia shirts, pants, shorts, and knickers (just to cover all bases), a couple of pairs of wool socks and a hat. In the end it was around $200, but if I’d paid the full retail I probably would have spent close to $600, so that’s awesome. We’ve definitely spent a lot gearing up for this trip though. But it’s pretty easy to do when we’re getting stuff that we know we’ll using again. Most of the stuff I got yesterday were also great purchases for biking (wearing my knickers now). Always fun getting some new stuff.

Hopefully my next post will be filled with pics from the trip.