the Life of Zim

27th January
written by dzimney

Well, it’s fairly official. We’re heading to Me-hee-co in late April slash early May for Laura’s (and Lauren’s) 30th birthday!! Lauren and Laura came up with the idea and Shad and I have been fully supportive like good husbands that have no issue with drinking on the beach do. Started out thinking we’d head to Hawaii, but after looking at costs, Mexico looks a lot better. Plan is to rent a house in Sayulita as per Isaac’s recommendation. Very exciting. This’ll be my first time south of the board. Can’t wait for a little R&R too. The basic plan, I believe, is to go to Sayulita, get a bunch of cheap beer and taquilla, find a lawn chair on the beach and not move for 5-7 days. Awesome. This’ll be the first real trip Laura and I have taken since 2008 when we went to Asia, so we’re totally pumped. And by “real trip” I mean a trip that doesn’t include going to Minneapolis and/or Lawrence. In other words, it’ll be our first real vacation in quite some time. We’re excited. Did I say that? I think I did.

16th September
written by dzimney

This past weekend Laura and I went down to Lawrence for Lauren and Shad’s wedding. It’s always nice to get down there. The weekend was pretty rushed and exhausting, got in Friday night, left Sunday noon, but there’s always a lot of good people to see while were there and this weekend was of course no exception. I’ve got a few photos of the wedding reception on my picasa site. There aren’t too many though, which I guess just means we were having too much fun to shoot too many pictures. I ended up getting pretty tanked, oops. It was quite a blast though.

8th September
written by dzimney

It’s Monday. The office is slow. The weather’s crappy. And oh yeah, did I mention it’s Monday?

This weekend was pretty fun, but definitely exhausting. Ended up hanging out with Wes and Mason all day on Saturday. Basically a long day of bikes and booze. Good times, but by 10 o’clock I was definitely ready for bed. Sunday turned out to be an extremely lazy day. Which is cool. With all the traveling Laura and I have been doing this summer, an nice lazy Sunday is a welcome. Speaking of travel this weekend we’re heading down to Lawrence, KS for Lauren and Shad’s wedding party. For those folks that don’t know they eloped about a month ago and are now having their reception. Should be pretty fun and always fun to see the KS crew. The only part that stinks is that my buddy Chris Emond is going to be back in town for the first time in about a month and I’m gonna miss him. At this point I’m just figuring it gives me more of an excuse to take a weekend to go out and visit him soon. Got to finally talk to him last night for the first time since he left. Sounds like he’s having fun, but definitely working hard. I guess he’s been pulling 70+ hour weeks (7 days a week). Also got a chance to talk to Molly again last night on Skype which is always awesome. She seems to be doing well also, which is always good to hear.

I think my headset should be arriving today. Definitely excited about that. Unfortunately though, most of the other stuff I’m waiting on for this new bike are taking some time to get shipped. Don’t know what’s up with that. I’m banking on (most) everything being here by Friday though. Of course I won’t be able to do anything with any of it until after we get back from KS. Oh, well.

How boring is this post?